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Adventure 5 Liam Squire

ADVENTURE #5 Fish and Trips

Featuring - Liam Squire - A full time pig hunter that also plays a fair bit of professional rugby.

Fish and Trips

It's not often a weather window lines up with one of NZ's top charter skippers, offering to take you out chasing big kingfish at a seldom fished offshore reef. 

The fact that we were driving from Te Puke to Dunedin the following day for a pig hunt with Liam Squire was almost enough reason to say no...... well almost! Hell, why not just go for it and sleep on the ferry as we cross over.

Read more about Liam and Joel on their Fish n Trips adventure


Snapshots from the trip

Key moments and memories from our trip.

Hunting dog collars

Men and dogs

You can normally judge a fella by the quality and nature of his dogs - these two were absolute crackers.

Game Gear Men's Collection

Sweat and toil

I struggled up the hill making hard work of getting to the top.

Carry Cape Liam Squire is wearing

Here comes the cavalry

Over the shoulders and away. 100lb of prime roasts and bacon getting an armchair ride back to the bike.